Largest Collection of Sheet Music

We have the largest collection of sheet music of Bollywood Songs from 1960 till date. On a daily basis we are working to upload more and more files. We have been making our best efforts in our sheet music collections according to the taste of every individual.

We have just included in our site a SEARCH bar for a quick reach of your popular songs for easy buying ..

The SHOP page has also the benefit of selection of single product from the site or from the product category.

The category of instruments starts from Piano, Keyboard, Guitar, Villon, also saxophone Tenor Saxophone, Ukulele, recorder to name a few. The SHOP page provides for browsing your favourite instrument category for a quick buying.

Each instruments has its own function in terms of sound quality, expression and every care is taken to arrange the scores in its merits.

The two quick browsing side bar widgets helps you to reach your type of instrument or the right song of your choice for buying. And lastly, you can now sort your search results in many different ways, including sorting by price, popularity, release date as well as alphabetically:

We hope you’ll like these improvements and find them useful in helping you find sheet music that you need. As always, we would love to hear your comments and suggestions – please email them to

The songs covered includes from various genres of Indian cinema for more than 6 decades. The notations are understandable and easy to learn on respective instruments choosing right formats.

The music notes are arrangements of every song in its original pitch to retail the authenticity of the song.This creates more interests in learning for singing and play along with a karaoke mp3 file.

Visit our site and feel the difference.

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